<img src="Media/logo.png" alt="Twine logo" style="width:30%">
<h1>Intro to Twine</h1>
<h4>with Chride Lassheikki @classheikki</h4>
[[> > Start->Slide1]]<h2>Welcome to Twine!</h2>
(set: $slide3 to "none")(set: $slide2 to "none")
Twine is a game-making tool that requires close to no coding skills, and allows you to make interactive fiction and branching narrative games in the form of web pages (.html files).
* Initially developed by <a href="https://chrisklimas.com/">Chris Klimas</a> (outgoing link)
* First released 2009
* Strong community, open source and free
[[> > Why Twine?->Slide2]]
[[> > Tell me more about the tech...->Slide3]](set: $slide2 to "true")<h2>Twine - when should I use it?</h2>
Twine is great at:
* Text adventures, interactive fiction, hypertext fiction
* Branching narrative games
* Prototyping narrative design, and writing branching dialogue
* Quick solodev projects
* Low learning threshold - you can learn the basics in around an hour
[[> > And the downsides?->Slide5]]
<i>Note: this is based on Chride's own experience.</i>(set: $slide3 to "true")<h2>Twine - a little bit about tech</h2>
* Makes .html-files that work in most browsers and can be easily hosted (<a href="https://neocities.org">Neocities</a>, <a href="https://itch.io">itch.io</a>) or run locally
* You can use HTML style tags like <code> <b> and <i> </code>
* You can also use CSS to <pangolin>change fonts</pangolin>, or add <rainbow>this rainbow animation</rainbow> <a href="https://codepen.io/cb_rn/pen/OVXXmj">(link)</a>
* Twine comes with lots of cool premade formats, with scripts (called macros) and readable basic UI
** Twine allows you to write and run JavaScript if the macros aren't enough
** Harlowe & SugarCube are the most common formats
(if: $slide2 is "true")[[[I want to learn more! ->Alright, let's look at it!]]
](else:)[[[> > Why Twine?->Slide2]]]
<h2>Twine - when should I use it?</h2>
Twine is clumsy at:
* Games with any type of visual player movement on screen
* Fast-paced games
* Media management
* Co-authoring / collaboration
(if: $slide3 is "true")[
[[I want to learn more! ->Alright, let's look at it!]]](else:)[[[> > Tell me more about the tech...->Slide3]]]
<i>Note: this is based on Chride's own experience.</i><h2>Here are some learning resources:</h2>
* twinery.org:
** Use Twine online + Official documentation
** <a href="https://twinery.org/cookbook/">https://twinery.org/cookbook/</a>
** Documentation for SugarCube: <a href="https://www.motoslave.net/sugarcube/2/docs/">https://www.motoslave.net/sugarcube/2/docs/ </a>
** Documentation for Harlowe: <a href="https://twine2.neocities.org/"> https://twine2.neocities.org/ </a>
* Grim Baccaris: The Twine Grimoire <a href="https://grimoirtua.itch.io/grimoire-one">https://grimoirtua.itch.io/grimoire-one</a>
* For CSS - <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp">https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp</a>
* For embedding fonts: <a href="https://philome.la/vatavian/import-and-embed-fonts-in-twine/play/index.html">https://philome.la/vatavian/import-and-embed-fonts-in-twine/play/index.html</a>
Thanks for playing! [[> > Back to Start->Start]]